Friday 6 September 2013

Important News !!!

This blogger account will be deleted soon.So,please visit my other blog at this link-

Here are the details about my other blog:

Blog name-Jigsaw Blog(Will be change sooner)
Admin-Jigsaw Hacker
Authors-Shou Keisuke & Ajad The Beginner

Hope  you guys like my new blog..

Spread the news !!!

Friday 30 August 2013

World's First Hand Woven Car!

Breathtaking view of Kjeragbolten boulder wedged in Norway

Prison For Notorious Gangs In El Salvador

Inside El Salvador's secretive prison pits where notorious gangs are crammed together like livestock in cells the size of a shed
Members of El Salvador's rival gangs the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18 (M18) are penned in cages that are only meant to be used for temporary stays
An estimated 50,000 Salvadorans belong to the street gangs that have terrified citizens and left this small Central American nation of 6 million with one of the world's highest murder rates

Under the truce agreement, gang leaders imprisoned with their members are supposed to receive 'intimate visits' in jail - this is clearly not happening

Thursday 29 August 2013

Iklan TV Pertama Di Dunia

Ini ialah iklan jam Bulova. Iklan ini ditayangkan pada tahun 1 Julai 1941dan ianya adalah iklan pertama yang ditayangkan di kaca TV. Kos pembikinan iklan pendek ini ialah sekitar USD 9 dollar pada waktu itu ataupun USD 143 (RM 471) sekarang untuk dihasilkan. 
Laporan asal Bulova

Here comes new Author!!!

Nickname : Ajad The Beginer
Working For : Ezra Jigsaw

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Statues Yang Pelik Tapi Menarik

Statues ini membawa kegembiraan kepada semua orang di sekeliling mereka, ia adalah seni yang sangat cantik dan menarik.